Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Blind gossip!

1) “This A list television actor who does movies but would be a B in movies is not seen as much with his new girlfriend. Reason? He yelled at her at a dinner party in front of people and called her an idiot for her views and for not being informed.” [CDAN]

2) “This star of an NFL team was dining out with a male friend at a steakhouse the other night. After dinner, they were sitting there texting and talking on their cell phones when a young fan came over. He explained that he didn’t want an autograph or a photo, but that his 85-year-old grandmother was a lifelong fan of the team, and it wouldmean the world to her if the athlete would simply say hello to her as he was leaving the restaurant. The athlete looked up from his cell phone, glared at the fan for five or six seconds, looked over at the grandmother, and said “No! Now get the f*ck away from my table!” The stunned fan retreated back to his table. A few minutes later, the athlete did manage to acknowledge the fan and his grandmother… by giving them the finger on his way out of the restaurant.” [Blind Gossip]

3) “Which younger brother of an infamous socialite appears in a hardc*re gay s*x tape that’s making the rounds in the male modeling world” [NewYorkPost]

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