Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Kelly Osbourne wants her movie out?

Kelly Osbourne is not happy!
The 27-year-old star’s action comedySo Undercover, in which she stars alongside 19-year-old Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, does not have a UK or US release date yet and nor does her solo project Should’ve Been Romeo.
“Kelly is keen to get out and promote the films but they’re not on general release in the UK or America and there are no dates in the pipeline,” a source said.
Kelly recently admitted she found it “humiliating” to be cheated on with a “chick with a d**k.”
The 27-year-old star called off her engagement to Luke Worrall last year after learning he had slept with a transsexual and admits she had always thought the worst thing that could have happened would have been if he had sex with an ugly girl.
“It was so humiliating. Everyone kept telling me that Luke was cheating on me but I never believed them,” Kelly told Britain’s Glamour magazine.
“It’s hard enough to get your head round someone cheating on you, but when that someone is a chick with a d**k… up until then, I’d always thought the worst way to get cheated on would be with an ugly girl.
“Because at least if they cheat on you with a gorgeous girl, it makes some kind of sense. But men are different, I guess; they can have emotionless sex.”

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