Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Blind item!

1) “Which supposedly s*ber rock star was spotted at a high-end gala schmoozing the tables and surreptitiously swilling all the other guests’ wine?” [NewYorkPost]

2) “Speaking of former sex symbols. This former A list tween star and now actress who has to rely on her old role for any kind of fame, is known in Hollywood as the freakiest freak in bed. You would never know it by looking at her, but guys line up to try and date her.” [CDAN]

3) “This reality star smiles and acts all sincere and caring for the cameras, but behind the scenes, she is nasty and conniving. First of all, she is trying to force out the other members of the cast so that she can replace them with her own friends and family. She is delusional enough to think that she is the star of the show, and she will hurt anyone who gets in her way. Secondly, when a blogger disclosed something unfavorable (but very true) about her past on a popular website, the reality star went ballistic! She and her thuggish family and friends launched a coordinated online campaign to discredit the blogger. Even worse, they started posting threats and select personal details about the blogger (e.g. where she lived) all over the internet, thinking that it would scare her enough to retract the story. Finally, she had her attorney contact the blogger and threaten her with legal action if she didn’t issue a retraction. The blogger wouldn’t budge, so the lawyer resorted to calling her a “skank” on a popular social network. How professional! (And rather ironic considering the reality star’s own past.) The blogger has refused to retract the story and the reality star is still angry about being unable to control the media. Just wait until she finds out that here are even more salacious details to come…” [Blind Gossip]

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