Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Jeremy Renner dodged purple tights

Jeremy Renner has managed to keep his tough guy persona intact by dodging purple tights!
The 40-year-old actor admits he feared which version of comic book hero Hawkeye he would end up playing in the new Avengers movie.
“There are two versions of Hawkeye; there is the Ultimates Hawkeye, and then there’s the old-school version,” explains Jeremy.
“I wasn’t interested in wearing purple tights so I loved that they went the Ultimates route.”
Renner recently revealed he puts women second to his career.
“I never dated, because I couldn’t afford to date. I didn’t even have electricity. You try to put a positive spin on it, like, ‘Hey, this is so sexy look at all these candles!’ ” he said.
“But I loved what I was doing.
“The sacrifices I made in personal relationships had the biggest effect on my life. Even now, any woman would take a No. 2 seat to my job.”

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