Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Kelly Osbourne 'I'm on no diets for Christmas'

Kelly Osbourne has urged women to ditch their diets for Christmas.
The now super slim style pundit and reality TV star says she will be filling her face over the holidays and so should everyone else.
“If you have that kind of mother and father or grandparents and that’s what they do go for it,” says Kelly on Christmas feasts.
“It’s one day! Have fun and eat what you want. If you put on a few pounds so what? That’s what New Year’s resolutions are made for.”
Meanwhile, Osbourne’s action comedySo Undercover, in which she stars alongside 19-year-old Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, does not have a UK or US release date yet and nor does her solo project Should’ve Been Romeo.
“Kelly is keen to get out and promote the films but they’re not on general release in the UK or America and there are no dates in the pipeline,” a source said.

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