Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Kim Kardashian excited for sister pregnancy

Sweet dreams: Kim poses in a sleepover scene with her sisters but reveals: 'Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would'
Kim Kardashian has shared her excitement at becoming an aunt again.
The reality TV star has revealed her whole family is “beyond thrilled” at the announcement that Kourtney and partner Scott Disick are expecting a sibling for their son Mason, 23 months.
“I have some amazing news to share with you all! Kourtney and Scott are expecting their second child!!” she wrote on Twitter.
“This is such a blessing and the whole family is beyond thrilled! I just know Mason will make the best big brother and I can’t wait to meet my new little niece or nephew!
“Congratulations Kourtney and Scott. Xo (sic)”
Their sister Khloe who is married to basketball player Lamar Odom also couldn’t contain her joy and posted her own blog.
“I am BEYOND thrilled to fiiiiinally be able to share with all of you the fabulous news that my beautiful big sister Kourtney is expecting yet again!” she wrote.
“Can you believe it?! Masey is going to be a big brother! We are all so overjoyed by this wonderful news and are counting down the minutes until we get to meet the newest member of our family. Kourtney is the greatest mom in the world and I am so proud of the woman she has become.
“I can’t wait to see her with a kid in each arm! She’ll be a pro. LOL. And if this next baby is anything like Mason, then we will truly be the luckiest family in the world.
“Congratulations, Kourt, Scott and Mason!!!! I love you all more than anything! (sic)”

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