Rabu, 30 November 2011

Ashton Kutcher parties with women in Iowa!

Seeking solace: Ashton Kutcher tweeted a picture of himself today in the countryside with a cow in the distance
Ashton Kutcher won’t have trouble finding himself a new wife.
The actor who’s being divorced by wife Demi Moore was swarmed by girls when he paid a visit to his hometown of Iowa City, Iowa for the holidays.
According to Us Weekly, on Nov. 23, Kutcher, 33, and an entourage visited Iowa City bars Bo James and Sports Column.
“He was drinking beer, and girls kept coming up to him,” a source said. “He loved the attention. Girls were hugging him and shaking his hand.”
On Nov. 26, the Two and a Half Menstar spent three hours with pals at Summit bar downing beer and shots of liquor.
“He was swarmed by girls,” a source said. “A few tried to convince him to go to a strip club but he declined!”

Courtney Love becomes Lindsay Lohan's sobriety coach

Courtney Love has become Lindsay Lohan‘s sobriety coach.
The Hole singer widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain has battled drink and drug addiction in the past and wants to pass her knowledge and advice to the troubled Mean Girlsactress, who has been in rehab five times.
“I’ve taken up Lohan because nobody else will,” Courtney said. “[She's] further down the line than I was, because there was no [gossip websites like] TMZ then.”
This is not the first time Courtney, 47, has revealed she is helping 25-year-old Lindsay who is currently completing her court ordered community service stay away from drink and drugs.
“I went up to Lindsay’s room one time and there was a show on called 101 Celebrity Oops and I am like every other one, you know boobs out, legs everywhere, throwing s**t at Madonna, you know, whatever. I’m like ‘Lindsay, look! Drugs are bad!’ ” she said.
Courtney has had help from her celebrity pals in the past to help beat her addictions, in particular, Orlando Bloom.
Speaking in 2008, she revealed, “We chant every day. The 12-step program demands that you have a spiritual practice that you do daily.
“I love Orlando for this. He doesn’t mind being outed as a Buddhist. I don’t mind talking about it because it has changed my entire life, changed everything restructured my body, restructured my physicality. Truly I can, not all the time, but I can take joy at really s****y situations.”

Kris Humphries wants Kim marriage annulled?

Unhappy ending: Kris Humphries, pictured here with Kim Kardashian in May, is seeking to have their 72-day marriage annulled
Kris Humphries is to request his marriage to Kim Kardashian be annulled.
The basketball star was shocked when the socialite filed for divorce after just 72 days of marriage at the end of last month but is reportedly planning to hit back at her paperwork with a petition to seek a legal separation, sources toldPeople magazine.
It appears he has had a change of heart as Kris, 26, had originally agreed to sign divorce papers when Kim, 31, flew out to Minnesota for showdown talks, though the sportsman’s father says he was “blindsided” by the legal action.
“There was never a discussion about it, it just came out of nowhere and blindsided Kris,” William Humphries said.
“How could someone do that? Kris was completely surprised. The news was already published before he found out.
“Kris is hurting, but we’re here for him. It’s not a nice situation.”
It was also recently claimed that Kris had hired lawyers because he was unhappy with how he is going to be portrayed in reality TV show Kourtney & Kim Take New York.
“Kris has a legal team investigating his options. He’s claiming his role on Kourtney & Kim Take New York is bigger than he was told, and that’s why he wants more money,” a source said.
“But Kris is also suing because he’s really worried about how badly he’s going to be portrayed on the series.”

Bono scared of Alicia Keys

Bono was “terrified” of Alicia Keys when he first met her.
The U2 frontman admires the singer’s “lioness energy” but was “shaking in his boots” when they first met when they recorded a charity cover of Marvin Gaye‘s What’s Going On in 2001
“I was terrified the moment I met her. I was shaking in my boots,” he said. I was very moved by her singing of course, but what was interesting was the hard questions afterwards, and I think it’s those hard questions that she asks that lead her.
“She has a lioness energy.”
The Irish rocker explained Alicia who has a 13-month-old son Egypt with husband Swizz Beatz has both the head and the heart to successfully front her Keep a Child Alive charity, which provides assistance to those affected by HIV and AIDS in Africa and India.
“She won’t let other mothers suffer,” he said.
“Everyone’s got heart, but actually you have to have the head for this. You have to be tough and strategic, you have to be demanding, and the money has to be spent well. If the money isn’t spent well, people get annoyed and so all these things take a certain intellectual rigor.”

Scarlett Johansson loves bad boy

Slimline: The famously voluptuous Scarlett Johansson looks skinnier on the cover of Interview magazine's latest edition
Scarlett Johansson is attracted to bad boys.
The 27-year-old actress who dated Sean Penn for five months this year after her marriage to Ryan Reynolds ended last December likes men who challenge authority and are adventurous, but she doesn’t care how they are perceived by other people.
“I’m attracted to the quality of being adventurous and perhaps a bit mischievous. And also questioning authority and being proactive,” she said.
“If that makes up a quintessential bad boy, then whatever.”
While she likes bad boys, Scarlett insists she won’t tolerate nastiness or bullying behavior.
“I’m not at all attracted to meanness or bullying,” she said.
“I do think conviction is attractive. I mean, really, who doesn’t?”
As well as dating Sean, the We Bought a Zoo actress has been romantically linked with stars including Bradley CooperJustin Bartha and Joseph Gordon-Levittsince she split from Ryan, but the Green Lantern actor recently admitted he has not found it easy to move on.
“Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain but you come out of it,” he said.
“I’m not out of it yet, at all. I don’t think I want to get married again.”

Britney Spears's beauty icon is JLo

Britney Spears has revealed that she considers Jennifer Lopez as her beauty icon as she always looks good, even as she gets older.
Spears says that she's a huge fan of the 'American Idol' judge and thinks that she just gets better and better with age.
"Jennifer Lopez is my idol - she's so beautiful and even though she's gotten older, she hasn't aged at all. She looks more amazing than ever and I really admire and respect that," Contactmusic quoted her as telling Now magazine.
The 29-year-old 'Toxic' singer also revealed that she takes beauty advice from her mother, Lynne.
"My mom's very into her skincare and making sure she has the right cream. It's important to experiment with different creams as we get older5, so she's always showing me the upcoming products, which is pretty cool.
"One of her skin secrets is making sure she gets lots of rest and water," she added.

Zooey Deschanel a grateful flatmate

Zooey Deschanel says she’s a great flatmate.
The actress-and-singer believes she is a good person to live with as she’s always in a happy mood and doesn’t cause much mess.
“I think I’m a fun flatmate,” she said. “I’m always cheerful. I go on tour with my band so it’s 12 people on one bus and I feel like I’m the one who’s happy in the morning. I’m not a chaotic person, but I might slack off on doing the dishes from time to time.”
However, if anyone was to share a house with Zooey, she would rarely be there as she’s too busy producing and starring in upcoming TV show New Girl.
“This show is my life. And most of my free time is preparing for the show and working on next week’s script, thinking about what we’re doing in the future, making sure that everything feels right, memorizing lines and working on my character. I haven’t been to the grocery store in months,” she said.
“But it’s been wonderful. I love getting to help shape the show and be a part of the decisions that are made on set.”

Anne Hathaway's engagement ring cost $150k?

Anne Hathaway‘s engagement ring is worth $150,000!
Us Weekly magazine claims the actress’ boyfriend Adam Shulman who recently went down on one knee and proposed worked with jewelry company Kwiat Heritage to design a sparkly band for his wife-to-be.
“After all that Anne’s been through in the past she knows the value of quality in everything, from her men to her engagement ring,” said jewelry expert Michael O’Connor.
“Like a fine romance, this setting will embrace the diamond forever and never fade or change color.”
Meanwhile, Anne and Adam havealready started planning their big day.
The couple were overheard at La Esquina Monday night excitedly discussing ideas about their nuptials with a friend, according to New York Post gossip column Page Six.
Sources overheard the couple talk about having a nontraditional ceremony with co-ed bridesmaids and groomsmen. They also talked about having a wine tasting for the event.
The pair were very touchy-feely during dinner, and were spotted kissing several times before splitting the bill and leaving the restaurant.

Britney Spears's beau ready to pop the question?

Britney Spears will be walking down the aisle in no time!
According to a People magazine report, the singer’s  longtime boyfriend Jason Trawick, 39, has picked out a ring and is planning to propose to the star.
“They’ve been talking about marriage for a long time,” a source said. “It would be surprising if they are not engaged by the end of the year.
“Britney is really looking forward to turning 30. She is having the one of the best times of her life.”
Spears recently revealed that she is re-educating herself about love.
“The last book I read was The Mastery Of Love,” Britney said. “It’s basically an analysis of love and what it means to love.
“It goes through all the different aspects of love. Who you are as a person, knowing yourself before you even attempt to love anyone else, that sort of thing. It’s really well-written and thought-provoking.
“It’s very cool. It’s not so much about learning something, it’s one of those things where you already know this stuff, but it’s good to instil it in yourself again.”

Kirsten Dunst 'I hate red-carpet photographs'

Kirsten Dunst hates the red carpet!
The actress told Lucky magazine that she doesn’t like having her photo taken when she attends events.
“I hate red-carpet photographs! It’s such flat lighting! They take away my cheekbones I just become a moonface,” she said.
“I hate those photos so much. I always look terrible. And they don’t know angles on faces. There is no artistry to it. I hate them!”
Dunst recently discovered spray tans.
“You lose like five pounds immediately, and your face is glowing and gorgeous!” she said.
“I look amaziiiiiiing! I did it for my last movie. Then Isla saw me and was like, ‘I’m gonna get spray-tanned too!’ I only did it twice so I’m tan in like two scenes and super-pale in the rest of the film.”

Blind gossip!

1) “During a family shopping trip this last weekend, this D list actor from a famous family took his young child shopping with him. While the rest of the family went shopping for Christmas presents, he stopped by his dealer, with the child in the backseat.” [BuzzFoto]

2) “Which popular TV chef has been labeled by the cliquish Beverly Hills plastic surgery community as the “Cheap Filler Queen”? The star’s addiction to Botox and other face fillers isn’t the problem – it’s her pushy demands to get her plastic surgery procedures for free.” [Blind Gossip]

3) “What started out as misguided fun has turned into a really precarious situation for this one celebrity couple. She is a sometime model and sometime reality star. He is pretty much an A list movie actor. They have been together for awhile. When they first got together the woman was recovering from a long time c*ke habit which she used to stay thin while modeling. She also used her*in but never told our actor. He has always been open to pot and mushrooms but shied away from harder dr*gs because he relied on his body to get him roles other actors could not get. Body first, acting talent second. Although he has done dram and comedy and action, he is pretty much a one note actor. After a momentous occasion in their life, the couple took some time off to vacation together. They ran into an old friend of the woman and one thing led to another and all three did some c*ke together. Since that point about six months ago, our actor and his significant other have been doing c*ke everyday. He has stopped working out and is focused more on c*ke everyday than any other part of his life. The couple have passed off their child/ren to nannies which they never did before and party every night, all night. Supposedly the woman has also even got back into her*in. Still has not told our actor though.” [CDAN]

George Michael on the mend!

Sick: Pop star George Michael is battling pneumonia in a hospital in Vienna
George Michael is said to be recovering from the bout of pneumonia that forced the cancellation of the remainder of his European tour, doctors said Wednesday, reports Britain’s Daily Mirror.
George, 48, has been in intensive care since he was hospitalized in Vienna.
“The latest development in Mr. Michael’s case which has evolved from a severe pneumococcal infection necessitated intensive care due to its severity and extension,” said professors Gottfried Locker and Christoph Zielinski.
“We are happy to announce that Mr. Michael is improving steadily with an impressive regression of pneumonic symptoms and follows a steady rate of improvement as hoped.
“As we said previously, complete rest and peace and quiet are mandatory.
“There are no other health issues with regards to the patient other than the underlying pneumonic disorder, and no further measures had to be taken.
“Mr. Michael is receiving precisely the same treatment as any ordinary patient in Austria would receive at the hospital for this disease.”

Simon Cowell is delighted Ricky Gervais is hosting the Golden Globes ‎

Simon Cowell is delighted Ricky Gervais is hosting the Golden Globes again next year and wants the comic to be even harder on the star-studded audience.
The music mogul loved the Life’s Too Short star’s performance at the awards ceremony in January, during which he mocked most of the guests, and he can’t wait to see him be even more offensive.
“I think he’ll be harder on the stars this time,” Simon said. “And you know what? I think these people have to have a better sense of humor. Who cares if he makes a few insults? I’d love to be in the audience getting insulted.”
Ricky’s quips included claiming The Tourist was only nominated because the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) which runs the event could “hang out with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie” and referring to Jennifer Lopez as “just Jenny from the block. If the block in question is that one on Rodeo Drive between Cartier and Prada”.
He introduced Robert Downey Jr. by saying “many of you in this room probably know him best from such facilities as the Betty Ford Clinic and Los Angeles County Jail”.
The HFPA confirmed earlier this month the 50-year-old funnyman would be returning to host the Globes for a third time.
A statement said, “After weeks of rumors it’s finally official Ricky Gervais will be back to host the Golden Globes for a third year.
“The Hollywood Foreign Press Association voted for the controversial British comedian’s return after meeting with NBC official Doug Vaughn.”
The Golden Globes will be held on January 15, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

Susan Boyle reveals what she wants for Christmas?

Susan Boyle wants a tent for Christmas.
The I Dreamed A Dream singer who rose to fame on TV show Britain’s Got Talent wants a portable tent so she can camp at Scotland’s T in the Park music festival next year, and she also wants a new collar for her cat, Pebbles.
“I’d like a tent to take with me to T in the Park and I’d also like the Downton Abbey box set, because it’s one of my favorite series,” she said.
“I’m hoping for a collar for my cat Pebbles, some piano music books so that I can continue to learn on my grand piano and the Steve Jobs autobiography.”
However not all of her wishes are so understated she is also hoping for a 3-D television from Santa Claus and a Kindle book reader.
“I’d really like a 3-D TV with the electronic glasses so I can bring the films into my living room. And a Kindle, so I can access all the latest books on my travels,” she said.
Despite requesting a new collar for Pebbles, the Scottish star rarely gets to see her beloved pet these days because of her work schedule, and she admits she misses her.
“Pebbles is doing good, she’s being looked after by Pam, she’s 13 now,” she has said.
“Do I see her often? I get to hear about her, she’s OK. I’ll send her a postcard now and again.”

Ricky Martin for Glee role?

Ricky Martin is being lined up for a guest-starring role on Glee.
The She Bangs hitmaker is reportedly in negotiations with producers about playing a substitute teacher in the musical comedy, with the episodes set to air in January 2012.
“Ricky will play the hottest Spanish teacher ever in the history of Ohio,” a source told TV Line.
Gwyneth Paltrow has previously guest starred in Glee while Anne Hathawayrecently met with creator Ryan Murphy to discuss a part in the show.
“We’re not going to do guest stars at all the first half of the season, but I would love to work with Anne and she supposedly has the whole thing mapped out,” Ryan said. “I’m curious as to what she wants to do. I love her. I think she’s great.”
Anne has previously spoken of her desire to appear in Glee, revealing she even has specific song ideas in mind for her character, which she would like to be the lesbian aunt of gay student Kurt Hummel who is played by Chris Colfer.
“I would love to be on Glee,” she said last year.
“Can I make a confession? In my head I’ve written a part for myself! It’s so arrogant and obnoxious, it’s like, ‘Ryan Murphy no one else wants to be on your show.’ But in my head I’ve cast myself and I know which song I’d sing. I would want to play Kurt’s long-lost aunt, his mother’s sister who is also gay, who comes back to help him deal with his sexuality and I would sing ‘No One Is Alone’ from Stephen Sondheim’s epic show ‘Into the Woods’.”

Carey Mulligan upset by suicide scene

Carey Mulligan “couldn’t stop crying” after filming an attempted suicide scene for new movie Shame.
The British actress plays the troubled younger sister of a sex addict portrayed by Michael Fassbender in the film and although she originally wasn’t affected by the controversial scene, in which her character tries to slash her wrists, she admitted she was “devastated” at how hopeless her character felt.
“I was sitting there and this fake blood was pumping out of my arms and I was in this completely hopeless state with a kitchen knife next to me,” she said. “And it was horrible, it was really horrible and I wasn’t expecting it, it was a complete surprise, and I felt awful.
“It sounds so pretentious, but it just made me feel horrible. I felt devastated and I felt so sad. And I’m fine. I’m great and well adjusted and everything’s cool, but just the idea of being that helpless and that lonely, it was just really sad. I got into the taxi at the end of the day and I couldn’t stop crying.”
Carey also explained she was initially against doing a fully frontal nude scene but came to understand it was necessary for the role.
“I’ve never, never been naked in a film before; I’ve been topless once or twice, but always in sort of very innocent ways,” she said.
“And I’ve always been sort of staunchly feminist about it, I’ve never relished the idea of doing it, and never if it was inappropriate or gratuitous in any way. But I just felt it was absolutely right; that’s exactly who she was. She wanted to be seen, she’s an exhibitionist and she’s provocative.”

John Cleese recalls divorce devastation

John Cleese was upset for “two years” following the breakdown of his first marriage.
The three-times wed actor is grateful he stayed friends with Connie Booth who he married in 1968 after they split because they shared so much “love” for one another.
“When Connie and I broke up in 1978, I was very upset for about two years,” he said. “There was a great deal of love in that relationship, and we’ve managed to remain good friends.”
John split with third wife Alyce Faye Eichelberger in 2008 and had to pay her a divorce settlement worth around $24 million.
Because of the cost of the split, John returned to the stage and while he is enjoying his Alimony tour, he admits he prefers writing material.
“It’s the first time I’ve been on my own stage, and I like the immediacy of it. If you don’t get the laugh tonight, you can change the joke and try again the next night,” he said.
“I prefer writing, but it pays much less, so I have to keep performing.”

Chris Martin talks Jay-Z friendship

Chris Martin admits his friendship with Jay-Z is “hilarious”.
The Coldplay frontman and wifeGwyneth Paltrow have a strong bond with the rapper and his spouseBeyonce Knowles, and Chris believes they get on well because they can identify with one another.
“Yes, it is hilarious [our friendship]. What’s the common denominator? Well, underneath he probably feels a bit like me and I probably feel a bit like him,” he said.
Gwyneth believes her husband and the99 Problems hitmaker get on well as they “balance” one another.
“They balance each other out. Chris and I are like Jay and Beyonce; two paranoid ironists and two calm grounded people,” she said.
” There you go, you’ve got the answer,” Chris added. We balance each other out.”
Martin recently revealed he and Jay-Z enjoy playing sport together.
“We do play touch football,” he said.
“He’s very good at American football not only does he have all these other talents, but he can throw a perfect spiral. And then, on the other end, it smacks me in the head. In England, no one teaches you how to throw a spiral, so mine looks like an egg slowly limping through the air.”

Demi Lovato sticks it to the haters!

Demi Lovato‘s Skyscraper was inspired by all of the people who didn’t stand by her when she went to rehab.
The singer and actress was admitted to a facility last November for three months to receive treatment for her eating disorders and self-harming and although she had incredible support from her family and close friends, Demi admitted there were many “artificial” pals who ignored her when she needed them most.
“It’s to every person who tried to bring me down,” she said.
“Everyone has the bully or the mean girl or the ex-boyfriend who tried to bring them down. For me, I think of the people who really weren’t there for me when I went into treatment. It was a really dark time for me because I had only a few people I had surrounded myself with so many artificial friendships. It’s about those people too.”
Demi, 19, has previously dated Joe Jonas and has reportedly rekindled her relationship with her 31-year-old former boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, but says anyone who wants to be her boyfriend will have to be prepared to deal with her emotional baggage.
“[I need] someone who’s not only supportive in my career, but also in my emotional recovery. It’s a big responsibility dating me. Because I come with a little bit of baggage, you know? I’m completely open. I’m honest about the journey I’ve been on, so I definitely don’t take dating lightly anymore. And they have to make me laugh!” she said.

P. Diddy a proud father

P. Diddy is a “proud” father after his 17-year-old son signed to UCLA on a full football scholarship.
The rapper was thrilled when Justin Combs his son with high school sweetheart Misa Hylton-Brim was asked to join the prestigious university’s sports team and revealed it is “everything a father could want for his son”.
“This is one of the proudest moments of my life,” he said. “This is everything a father could want for his son, for him to excel at what he loves to do.”
Justin revealed he can’t wait to attend the school from next April.
“It was love at first sight. I’m committed to UCLA I was silently committed to UCLA for awhile, but now was the time,” he said.
P. Diddy caused controversy last year when he bought Justin a $300,000 Maybach car after he achieved good grades at school.
“Justin has turned himself around with his grades so I wanted to treat him. It’s a collector’s car so maybe he will use it for special occasions like on a first date, but like all my kids, he prefers the simpler things than the expensive things. Simple tastes,” he said.

Robert Pattinson 'l would die for love'

Robert Pattinson would die for love
The 25-year-old actor who is in a relationship with his Twilight Sagacostar Kristen Stewart said he would be willing to lose his own life in order to protect those who mean the most to him.
“I think if you love anyone, you kind of feel like that,” he said.
“If you’re in love with anyone, I think the majority of people would say, ‘If I have to die for this person, I will.’ I mean, you don’t really love someone if you’re like, ‘No. Just let them die.’”
Robert has previously claimed he is old fashioned when it comes to love and says he can relate to his vampire alter-ego Edward Cullen over his opinions about marriage and romance.
“I guess I must be because everyone is always telling me that Edward is kind of old-fashioned, but I always see him as fairly normal,” he said.
“I mean, he just knows what he wants. He’s in love with someone and he just likes the idea of getting married to them. I guess I kind of agree with that.”

Brad Pitt's family mud fights

Brad Pitt likes to have mud fights with his kids.
The Moneyball actor who raises six children, Maddox, 10, Pax, eight, Zahara, six, Shiloh, five, and three-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, with partner Angelina Jolie admits their lifestyle can be “chaotic” but they try and keep things simple with the kids whenever they can.
“Angie and I do everything we can to carve out some semblance of normalcy for them and recreate the kinds of moments that are special for us. It’s not unusual for the kids to be covered in paint,” he said.
“We have mud fights. It’s chaos from morning until the lights go out, and sometimes after that.”
Brad believes having Angelina makes life easier as she has “so much energy”, although she did experience a dip in her abilities following the birth of their twins.
“I’m lucky that Angie has so much energy and never gets down or complains,” he said.
“The only time I’ve ever seen her really tired is after the twins were born and that proved difficult for her to spend as much time with the other children as she did before.”

Adele using voice-generating phone app to communicate

Adele is speaking through a voice generating phone application.
The Someone Like You hitmaker has to rest her vocal cords after surgery for a hemorrhage — which caused her to cancel all of her concert dates for the rest of 2011 and has taken to utilizing her cell phone as a way to continue to communicate with people.
“She’s been using the speaking app to buy coffee at Starbucks and to order cabs,” a source said.
“It is far easier to communicate using it rather than writing everything down on paper and showing people.”
The 23-year-old singer is still in Boston, where the operation took place, but is recovering well.
She recently revealed she was now “chilling out” until the doctors give her the all-clear and she can return to her home in the UK.
“Thank you for all your positive thoughts and get well wishes. I’m doing really well, on the mend, super-happy, relaxed and very positive with it all,” she wrote on her blog.
“The operation was a success and I’m just chilling out now until I get the all clear from my doctors.”

Victoria Beckham in love with all of her children

Emotional: Victoria Beckham fought back tears last night as she accepted the award for Designer Brand of the Year at the British Fashion Awards
Victoria Beckham is “in love” with all her four children.
The fashion designer who has sons, Brooklyn, 12, Romeo, nine, Cruz, six, and four-month-old daughter Harper with soccer star husband David loves being a mother as they bring so much joy to her life.
“Harper is absolutely amazing … but I am in love with all of my children. They are all wonderful,” said Victoria, who has rarely been seen without Harper by her side since her birth in July.
Victoria who currently lives in Los Angeles and Harper flew into London over the weekend so the former Spice Girl could attend the British Fashion Awards and she admits it was hard to leave the tot to go to the ceremony.
Speaking at the event where her fashion line won Designer Brand of the Year she said, “She has been upstairs in the hotel suite tonight and my parents have been babysitting her. I am missing her already! It’s great being back in London, and seeing my mum and dad, but it’s so hectic. I always forget how crazy these events are.”
Victoria was thrilled to receive her award as it’s something her children can be proud of.
“The kids can take this in to show and tell at school,” she said.

Salma Hayek saved by hairdresser!

Female charms: Salma Hayek wows at the Italian premiere of her new film, Puss in Boots, today in Rome
Salma Hayek is giving delayed credit to the unlikely hero who saved her from a snake attack.
Footage of the Puss in Boots beauty and her costars screaming in terror as a python invaded an outdoor press junket has become an internet hit but Salma insists it doesn’t tell the full story.
“The truth is we were doing the interview three of us and five journalists and this snake comes right at us, head raised, ” explains Salma.
“Everyone got out of there but we couldn’t. We were stuck cowering on a chair screaming for help but no one came. Then this hair guy came, gay as can be, with his little makeup up bag and shooed it away.
“But if you look at the video it looks like these big macho guys saved us. It really wasn’t.”
Salma recently admitted she has a rule never to pay for her designer outfits and relies on freebies from fashion bosses to fill her wardrobe.
“I borrow my clothes. I get them free and I’m too lazy to go out and look for my own,” she said.
“I, a rich girl from Mexico, came here with designer clothes. And one day, when I was starving in an apartment in Los Angeles, I looked at my Chanel blouses and said, ‘If only I could pay the rent with one of these.’
“You think I’m going to spend my money on clothes? No way! I have a small house so I borrow everything except art, that’s what I love.”

Lea Michele is strict with herself!

Lea Michele has had to be own strict teacher to get her through the grueling Glee school days.
The 25-year-old actress says she’s had to cut out the junk food and embark on new fitness regime just to keep up with the demands of the hit show.
“I’m doing a lot of yoga, and doing some extra training as well as trying to eat really well,” says Michee. “Our hectic schedules mean I have to be strict with myself and make sure I get plenty of sleep too.”
Lea who became the subject of eating-disorder rumors when she suddenly looked very thin during the summer of 2010 recently insisted her weight loss was due to a surgery she had because of an infection in her jaw.
“I’m half Italian,” she said.
“I can eat some bitches under the table.”

Kourtney Kardashian pregnant again?

Kourtney Kardashian is gonna be a mommy again!
The reality TV star has announced she’s “thrilled” to be expanding her family and providing a sibling to her first child.
Kourtney, 32, already has 23-month-old son Mason with her boyfriend Scott Disick.
Kardashian says she took a pregnancy test about five weeks ago and woke up Disick, 28, around 7.a.m. to tell him the positive results.
“Now I’m nine weeks along,” Kardashian told Us Weekly. “You’re supposed to wait 12 weeks to tell people, but I feel confident.”
“It wasn’t like we weren’t trying,” Disick, 28, said. “We kind of just said, ‘If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.’”
Kourtney recently began a new web series entitled Kourtney’s Mommy Blog where she unveils what she has learned as a mother.
She has previously claimed she is never happier than when she is spending time with her son, and struggles to do things without him.
“Unless I’m working, I can’t be away from him without feeling guilty. It doesn’t feel good or natural to be, so it’s a struggle,” she said.
“I don’t want to judge, but I’ve also met women who think it’s cool to be out or away from their baby, and I don’t get that. Every time I’m not working, he’s with me. Even on an airplane, he is with me even if the nanny is also on the plane. Any time I can have with him, I am lucky to have.”

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux have Romantic dinner in Hollywood!

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are still loved up!
The casually dressed pair who started dating earlier this year shared a romantic dinner on Monday in Hollywood
Sources say the stars looked cozy as they dined at the Sunset Tower Hotel’s Tower Bar.
“They sat in a corner table overlooking the city, deep in conversation and holding hands under the table. It was very sweet: They looked the image of happiness,” said an onlooker.
Meanwhile, Aniston is spending $60,000 so she and Justin can live in a luxury hotel room for three months.
The happy couple are currently holed up  in the famous Sunset Towel Hotel in a plush sweet that has been serving as their love nest in recent weeks.
Aniston has been without a pad in Los Angeles since she sold her Beverly Hills mansion for $38 million in July 2011. She still owns the first home she bought in the city but she now rents it out to celebrity friends.
Prior to moving into the hotel on Sunset Strip, with past residents including Marilyn MonroeElizabeth TaylorFrank Sinatra and Errol Flynn, the pair were said to be renting a house nearby but moved out after being pestered.
The couple are said to have celebrated their six-month anniversary by the hotel pool with Aniston’s favorite drink Kristal champagne accompanied by Beluga caviar.

Nicole Kidman wanted Keith to do The Voice?

Nicole Kidman has persuaded her husband to become a reality star!
Sources close to the Oscar winning actress says country star Keith Urban would never have signed up for the Australian version of hit show The Voice had it not been for Nicole.
“She loves all that stuff,” dished one insider.
“Having kids means going out is not so much of a regular occurrence for Nicole now. She’d much rather stay in and watch shows like The Voice and X-Factor both in the US and when she’s back home in Australia.
“She’s excited that Keith is going to be a judge and has given him plenty of advice.”

Tom Cruise 'I was a young Daredevil!

Tom Cruise has always been a daredevil!
The Top Gun actor has told how he first started risking his neck as a child and sees no reason to stop now as a 49-year-old big kid.
“As a kid I used to set up ramps and try to jump over gullies on my bike,” says Tom who insisted on performing all his own stunts for the upcoming Mission: Impossible 4.
“I used to go to the garbage dump and steal a board then get a trash can set it up. Then I would find a steep hill and try to get up as much speed as I could. Once I went right through the board – split it in two! Now I tell my kids, ‘If you’re going to do it, let me teach you how to do it right!’”
Meanwhile, Cruise and his actress wifeKatie Holmes are reportedly planning to extend their brood!
Sources say the Hollywood couple are considering adopting a little brother or sister for their five-year-old daughter Suri but also plan to have another baby naturally.
“Tom and Katy are very keen to have more children,” says a source close to the couple.
“Katy loves being a mother more than she does being an actress. She wants a big family and that includes the possibility of adoption. Tom already has adopted children of course (from his marriage with Nicole Kidman) so he’s very much in favor of the idea.”

Demi Moore 'I don't have a new man/?'

Frail: Demi, here at the at her premiere of her movie Margin Call at the end of October, has become increasingly thin in recent months
Demi Moore doesn’t have a new beau despite reports to the contrary.
Although the actress who earlier this month announced her plans to divorce husband Ashton Kutcher was recently seen out with a mystery man, sources say Demi was dining with her florist, Eric Buterbaugh.
“Demi was out for dinner with her florist, Eric Buterbaugh,” an insider told Hollywood Life.
“They are long time friends and were constantly chatting and joking. They weren’t making a scene at all.
“It was a fun dinner out. There wasn’t any drama.”

Anne Hathaway planning her wedding?

Anne Hathaway is already planning her wedding!
The Devil Wears Prada actress whorecently announced her engagement to boyfriend Adam Shulman and her new fiance were overheard at La Esquina Monday night excitedly discussing ideas about their nuptuals with a friend, according to New York Post gossip column Page Six.
Sources overheard the couple talk about having a nontraditional ceremony with co-ed bridesmaids and groomsmen. They also talked about having a wine tasting for the event.
The pair were very touchy-feely during dinner, and were spotted kissing several times before splitting the bill and leaving the restaurant.

Kristin Chenoweth wants husband and kids

Kristin Chenoweth wants to start a family but insists she’s doing fine on her own.
The actress, 43, says she’d love to have a child, but is happy raising her Maltese puppy named Maddie.
“I’d love to have a husband to have a child with,” Chenoweth tells the January issue of Prevention. “It hasn’t exactly worked out that way, and that’s okay.
“I would still love to have that partner, that man that right one who’s going to take care of me yet let me do my thing, yet has his own gig going on, yet isn’t intimidated!
“Show business can make you so self-focused, even if you’re not that kind of person.Since I wasn’t married and didn’t have a child, I needed something to take care of. So I got a dog.”

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Kristen Stewart is a pariah

In search of a stylist? Kristen Stewart, with her boyfriend Robert Pattinson, wearing J Mendel at the L.A. Premiere of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1
Kristen Stewart is an outcast!
Insiders say the Twilight actress’ quirky, relaxed style has turned her into a pariah, with “very few” people wanting to work with her.
She has grubby nails, ratty sneakers and bad attitude,” a source said.
“Very few people want to work with her because she doesn’t want to look good.”
Kristen, 21, has previously said that she’s a “jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.”
“I like fashion because it’s part of my work. I dive into the new trends when I have to, but I’m more of jeans and t-shirt kind of girl,” she said.
“In Los Angeles I like to go to vintage stores, I look for funny T-shirts. I’m very casual when I’m not working, but I think everybody should have their own style, even if they’re going to the gym.”

T-Boz 'files for bankruptcy'

TLC's T-Boz has filed for bankruptcy. 
The singer, born Tionne Watkins, filed documents in US Bankruptcy Court in October after falling $768,642.99 into debt, reports TMZ.
The debts were said to mostly be attributed to back mortgage payments on her $1.2 million home. 
According to the claim, T-Boz has an estimated monthly income of $11,700 while her expenses total $8,821. She has also claimed that her music royalties as part of TLC total only $1,700 per month. 
In addition, the filing states that T-Boz would not have fallen behind on her home payments had she been paid an estimated $250,000 in owed child support. 
Her attorney did not respond to calls for comment. 
T-Boz, who suffers from sickle-cell disease, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2009. Later that year, she also battled swine flu.

Conrad Murray sentenced to four years' jail over Michael Jackson death

Doctor: Conrad Murray was sentenced for involuntary manslaughter after a six-week trial giving the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours
Conrad Murray has been sentenced to the maximum four years in jail.
Murray, 58, was found guilty of Michael Jackson's involuntary manslaughter earlier this month.
However due to overcrowding, Murray will likely only serve half of that sentence in jail. New Californian law means Murray will serve his time in LA County Jail instead of a state prison.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor refused to grant Murray's request of probation.
Judge Pastor ruled Murray must pay "appropriate restitution" to Jackson's estate and children, the sum of which will be decided at a later date, as well as an $800 fine, a $30 court security fee, and a $40 criminal conviction assessment. 
The judge told the court: "I find that Dr Murray abandoned his patient who was trusting him; his patient was vulnerable under those circumstances, having been administrated potentially dangerous drugs by his medical provider. 
"Dr Murray's course of conduct extended over a period of time, he repeatedly lied and engaged in deceitful misconduct and endeavoured to cover up his transgressions.
"He violated the trust of the medical community, of his colleagues and of his patient and he has absolutely no sense of remorse, absolutely no sense of fault and remains dangerous."
He went on to add: "It's easy to say, 'Oh well, Dr Murray is a medical doctor, he's a smart sophisticated man, he doesn't have a criminal history, he may not be licensed to practise medicine in the future - although that has nothing to do with me, I have no authority over that.
"The fact remains, Dr Murray is offended by that patient dying and I don't have any idea what will prompt Dr Murray to do or not do something in the future that may be dangerous to a patient if he does practise medicine in the United States or even elsewhere."
Star: Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray