Minggu, 27 November 2011

Zachary Quinto needs hard work

Zachary Quinto isn’t in a good “headspace” when he’s “idle”.
The Star Trek actor who is currently producing and starring in new movie Margin Call, which documents the 2008 worldwide economic meltdown admitted he “thrives” upon being busy, as not having projects on the go doesn’t sit well with him.
“I thrive when I’m busy,” he said. “The busier the better for me. I’m not in a good headspace when I’m idle.”
However, the 34-year-old star explained while the second film in the Star Trekfranchise looks set to be more “exciting and dynamic” than the first one, he is pleased to have moved away from “hi-tech stuff” with Margin Call.
“I know that they story they’re concocting is going to be as exciting and dynamic as the first one, if not more so,” he said.
“But all that hi-tech stuff head casting, casting my ears is pretty overwhelming.Margin Call was particularly gratifying because it didn’t involve any of that. It wasn’t about green screens or laser beams or prosthetic ears. It was much more about humanity.”

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