Selasa, 29 November 2011

Cee Lo Green to have hair transplant?

Cee Lo Green thinks he should get a hair transplant.
The Forget You hitmaker is “comfortable” being bald but believes he would be able to be more outrageous if he had flowing locks.
“I should get a hair transplant. I love hair. That’s where my whole wig thing comes from vicariously wanting to have hair,” he said.
“I’m comfortably bald you know, so I don’t think I will go so far as to get a transplant. I people think I’m outrageous now, if I had hair I’d be something else; I’d shave it, wear it in different styles and all that.”
Extravagant Cee Lo also revealed he once splashed out $40,000 on a diamond gun pendant.
“I have a pistol, an almost life-size Beretta full of diamonds. I consider it a love gun! I’ve worn it a couple of times on a necklace,” he said.
“It was for sale in New York. I was in Philadelphia and this guy had a picture of it. I was like, ‘Yo, I want it.’ They tracked it down for me and I bought it. It was about $40,000.
“I’m a bit of a collector [of jewellery] at this point, I have about 15 watches.”

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