Selasa, 29 November 2011

Robin Williams 'humbled' by surgery

Robin Williams says undergoing heart surgery was “humbling”.
The 60-year-old actor had the aortic valve of a cow fitted by surgeons three years ago to correct a problem and says his brush with death has made him live life to the full.
“I’ve been given a second chance and I intend to make the most of it,” he said.
Despite the seriousness of the procedure, the Happy Feet 2 star is also able to joke about his ordeal.
“I can go to the toilet standing up now, which is nice, but I can’t eat meat because I’ve become one of them so it would be cannibalism,” he said.
While he is embracing life, Robin insists he would never take part in a reality show like I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! or Dancing With the Stars.
“I would never appear on it. Never. I don’t do well with snakes and I can’t dance,” he said.
“I am such a bad dancer, in fact, that I could only ever appear on a telethon, raising money for damaged people, ‘The phone lines are now open. Pledge us money and we will make him stop.’ “

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