Rabu, 30 November 2011

Robert Pattinson 'l would die for love'

Robert Pattinson would die for love
The 25-year-old actor who is in a relationship with his Twilight Sagacostar Kristen Stewart said he would be willing to lose his own life in order to protect those who mean the most to him.
“I think if you love anyone, you kind of feel like that,” he said.
“If you’re in love with anyone, I think the majority of people would say, ‘If I have to die for this person, I will.’ I mean, you don’t really love someone if you’re like, ‘No. Just let them die.’”
Robert has previously claimed he is old fashioned when it comes to love and says he can relate to his vampire alter-ego Edward Cullen over his opinions about marriage and romance.
“I guess I must be because everyone is always telling me that Edward is kind of old-fashioned, but I always see him as fairly normal,” he said.
“I mean, he just knows what he wants. He’s in love with someone and he just likes the idea of getting married to them. I guess I kind of agree with that.”

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