Selasa, 29 November 2011

Conrad Murray sentenced to four years' jail over Michael Jackson death

Doctor: Conrad Murray was sentenced for involuntary manslaughter after a six-week trial giving the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours
Conrad Murray has been sentenced to the maximum four years in jail.
Murray, 58, was found guilty of Michael Jackson's involuntary manslaughter earlier this month.
However due to overcrowding, Murray will likely only serve half of that sentence in jail. New Californian law means Murray will serve his time in LA County Jail instead of a state prison.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor refused to grant Murray's request of probation.
Judge Pastor ruled Murray must pay "appropriate restitution" to Jackson's estate and children, the sum of which will be decided at a later date, as well as an $800 fine, a $30 court security fee, and a $40 criminal conviction assessment. 
The judge told the court: "I find that Dr Murray abandoned his patient who was trusting him; his patient was vulnerable under those circumstances, having been administrated potentially dangerous drugs by his medical provider. 
"Dr Murray's course of conduct extended over a period of time, he repeatedly lied and engaged in deceitful misconduct and endeavoured to cover up his transgressions.
"He violated the trust of the medical community, of his colleagues and of his patient and he has absolutely no sense of remorse, absolutely no sense of fault and remains dangerous."
He went on to add: "It's easy to say, 'Oh well, Dr Murray is a medical doctor, he's a smart sophisticated man, he doesn't have a criminal history, he may not be licensed to practise medicine in the future - although that has nothing to do with me, I have no authority over that.
"The fact remains, Dr Murray is offended by that patient dying and I don't have any idea what will prompt Dr Murray to do or not do something in the future that may be dangerous to a patient if he does practise medicine in the United States or even elsewhere."
Star: Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray

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