Selasa, 29 November 2011

Maggie Gyllenhaal expecting again

Maggie Gyllenhaal is reportedly pregnant.
The 33-year-old actress who has a five-year-old daughter Ramona with her husband Peter Sarsgaard is said to be expecting the couple’s second child next year.
“Maggie has been telling friends that she’s six months pregnant. Her bump is so big!” a source said.
“She’s thrilled to be pregnant! She and Peter have wanted another child for a while. They’re very happy that they’ll have another baby in the house soon.”
While Maggie and Peter are thrilled with their news, her brother, Brokeback Mountain star Jake, is also delighted at the announcement that he is to become an uncle again.
“Jake is so happy that she’s pregnant again because he loves kids. Maggie’s said that he’s the best uncle and has done a lot of sweet things for her first child,” the source said.
Maggie and Peter who live in New York with Ramona have been in a relationship since 2002 but only married in 2009 after their daughter was born.

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