Selasa, 29 November 2011

Demi Moore spotted with mystery man?

Demi Moore isn’t hiding away.
The actress who recently confirmed her split from husband Ashton Kutcher stepped out for a dinner date with a mystery man Saturday night.
Demi dined at the Tower Bar at Hollywood’s celebrity favorite Sunset Tower Hotel, reports New York Postgossip column Page Six.
“Demi looked good, and like she was ready to be seen out. She was in deep conversation with her male companion, but it didn’t look like a romantic date,” a source said.
Recent reports claimed Moore’s marriage to Kutcher fell apart because of issues that had long fueled skepticism about their relationship.
“The marriage had been deteriorating for a long time,” a friend said.
“Ashton was ready to end it, [but] he wanted to wait for Demi to actually do it. He loved her but couldn’t live with her.
“They were fed up with each other. If anyone was uncomfortable with the age difference, it was Demi, not Ashton
“She drove him crazy after a while with questions and doubts.”

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