Minggu, 27 November 2011

Britney Spears 'I love my kitchen'

Britney Spears loves her kitchen.
The 29-year-old singer who has sons Sean Preston, six, and Jayden James, five, with ex-husband Kevin Federline has a “very traditional” home and says she spends most times in the room where meals are prepared.
“My house is very traditional. And I love ‘shabby chic’. It’s a very homey-cosy vibe,” she said.
“We spend a lot of time in the kitchen actually, maybe my kids will be doing their homework or that kind of thing when they get home from school. I love my kitchen.”
When she isn’t working, Britney who is dating her former agent Jason Trawick enjoys relaxing by watching movies with her sons, even if they don’t always understand what they are seeing isn’t real.
“The last film I saw was The Never Ending Story with my children,” she said. “They liked it but they were scared in places. They were like, ‘This is scary, we don’t want to watch this. And I was like, ‘It’s not scary, it’s fake, it’s a movie.’
“They haven’t really grasped the concept that movies are fake they always say, ‘Is this real?’ and I’m like, ‘No baby it’s just a movie.’ But they liked it.”

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