Rabu, 30 November 2011

Ashton Kutcher parties with women in Iowa!

Seeking solace: Ashton Kutcher tweeted a picture of himself today in the countryside with a cow in the distance
Ashton Kutcher won’t have trouble finding himself a new wife.
The actor who’s being divorced by wife Demi Moore was swarmed by girls when he paid a visit to his hometown of Iowa City, Iowa for the holidays.
According to Us Weekly, on Nov. 23, Kutcher, 33, and an entourage visited Iowa City bars Bo James and Sports Column.
“He was drinking beer, and girls kept coming up to him,” a source said. “He loved the attention. Girls were hugging him and shaking his hand.”
On Nov. 26, the Two and a Half Menstar spent three hours with pals at Summit bar downing beer and shots of liquor.
“He was swarmed by girls,” a source said. “A few tried to convince him to go to a strip club but he declined!”

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