Selasa, 29 November 2011

Megan Fox 'I hate watching myself'

Megan Fox finds herself completely unwatchable on screen.
The former Transformers beauty says she can’t bare to watch herself in movies and the prospect of seeing herself in 3-D fills her with even more dread.
“I would never watch myself just in 2D so I’m definitely not going to watch myself in 3D,” says Megan.
“I can’t imagine that it’s that different as far as what people see of you in the films. But I’m going to watch plenty of other films in 3D just none of my own because I get embarrassed.”
Megan recently revealed she’s planning to catch up on summer movies including Transformers 3.
The movie beauty, 25, was axed from the latest robot spectacular and replaced by Rosie Huntington Whitely but she still counts herself as a fan of the franchise.
“I haven’t seen it yet but I want to,” says Megan.
“It’s not like I didn’t want to see it because I did. The trailer looked awesome but I didn’t want to go to a crowded theater and watch it because of how that may have looked.
“I have no problem with Transformers or Shia (LaBeouf). He’s a great guy and I still count him as a friend.”

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