Selasa, 29 November 2011

Chloe Moretz wants Kick-Ass sequel

All grown up: The teenager looked a lot older than her 14 years as she confidently posed for the cameras at the Leicester Square premiere
Chloe Moretz is looking forward to being Hit Girl again.
The actress, 14, says she’s standing by to reprise her role as the violent and foul-mouthed junior vigilante in Kick-Ass 2.
“I hope it happens because it would be great to do,” says Chloe.
“I know there is a second comic book but I am not sure about the movie yet. I’d train even harder and go even deeper with the character if I get the chance to be in the sequel. I’d love to do some more Hit Girl.”
Chloe recently admitted her life is “a little weird”.
“People always ask me, ‘Do you think you’re missing your childhood?’ I’m like, ‘No!’ I get to live in London and Rome and Paris. I meet these incredible people and do what I love doing. What kid wouldn’t want to do that?” she said.
“Yeah, I know I’m just a kid but I can play a character. Like, on the red carpet that’s actress Chloe wearing great clothes.
“Actress Chloe is a lot more well-spoken than regular Chloe, who I am when I’m with my family. And yes, it’s a little weird but I’m trying to manoeuvre it gracefully with the help of my family.”

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