Senin, 28 November 2011

Chris Martin I'd be terrible solo'

Chris Martin would be no good on his own.
The Coldplay rocker insists he would be a “terrible” solo artist as he needs his bandmates around him to perform well.
“I’d just be terrible. I don’t think I could even get a gig in Butlins and I’ve been to Butlins. I think me and my keyboard would be [on the high street] most days, getting shouted at,” he said.
Chris who is married to Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow also claimed his bandmates Jonny BucklandGuy Berryman and Will Champion, have always supported him and he couldn’t imagine being without them.
“They’re very good friends to me because they know that, as the singer, and especially because I’m married to Gwyneth Paltrow, I get eight times as much media as them,” he added.
“They know how much I need them, I just couldn’t do it on my own.”

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